“I Wonder” and OOPS!
What does it feel like when we have the "I Wonder" Mindset?
• We feel curious, ready to explore and notice interesting details.
• We are open-minded and flexible, willing to try new things.
• If there's ambiguity or confusion, we can grapple with it like a tricky puzzle.
• We find joy in the journey, not the destination; the process not the product.
• We aren't worried about screwing up or being wrong, we know it's not a big deal.
• We aren't afraid to fail.
OOPS! is a mnemonic for four big ideas for teaching kids. If you can just remember OOPS! then that's all you need to guide your child's learning.
The meaning of OOPS! is:
• O = Ownership
• OP = Opportunity to Practice
• S = Support
• "Oops!" = A reminder that it's okay to fail